
英译:沁园春 《长沙》沁园春《长沙》 Qing Yuan Chun

沁园春《长沙》 Qing Yuan Chun
一九二五年 in 1925
毛泽东 著 Written by Mao Zedong
齐若滨 译 Translated by Qi Ruobin
刘新颜 校 Collated by Liu Xinyan

独立寒秋, I stand alone in the late Autumn,
湘江北去, The Xiangjiang River is flowing northwards,
橘子洲头。 Here it is at the head of the orange continent.
看万山红遍, Look, all the hills are red allover and
层林尽染; trees have been thoroughly dyed.
漫江碧透, The whole river is clear and bluish green,
百舸争流。 Hundreds of boats are competing.
鹰击长空, The eagle is soaring and fighting in the sky
鱼翔浅底, Fishes are swimming in the bottom of the river,
万类霜天竞自由。 All things on earth contend for freedom.
怅寥廓, Ah, how far-flung my motherland is!
问苍茫大地, I have to ask the vast earth, wondering
谁主沉浮? Who would control the country?

携来百侣曾游。 I once traveled here with hundreds of schoolmates hand in hand,
忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。 Remembering the many eventful years of the past.
恰同学少年, It was just at the time when we schoolmates were so young
风华正茂;and at life's full flowering,
书生意气, with bookishness
挥斥方遒。 We shouted our reproachments.
指点江山,We gave advices to the government,
激扬文字, Writing furious words and
粪土当年万户侯。 Comparing the marquis of the past to feces and dust.
曾记否, Do you remember that
到中流击水, We were swimming and boating in the center of the river
浪遏飞舟? And big waves tried to stop the flying boat? (060918)
